
The Best Party Movies

If you can’t get out and party or you’re too worn out from the night before, sometimes the next best thing is kicking back on the sofa and watching the pros do it, at least in the eyes of Hollywood producers and writers. No doubt, many of  these  low brow,  but high brew movies, have left you rollin on the floor laughing and looking forward to that next road trip with your buds or BFF’s So what are some of your favorite all-time Party Movies? And what makes them rank? Here is the PAW checklist . You will find at least 10 of these in every movie. See if these words alone, don’t remind you of some of your favorite movies? Drinking, Drama, Stupid, Funny. Puke, Hot girls, Hunky guys,  Somebody’s naked ass, Penis reference, Boobs, Farts, Bongs, Weed, Bad Tattoos, Jocks, Nerds, Shots, Drugs, Music, Dance, Road Trip, Sex, Masturbation, Party, Dorm room, outrageous behavior. put together a list you can vote on.   The Best Party...

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Booby Prize: Motorboating for Money

Motorboating for Fun and Profit. Who would have thought that motorboating would be so beneficial?  But to who, you might ask? A group called  Simple Pickup, say it’s all in the name of charity and to help raise money for Breast Cancer. OK, but are these bosom buddies just taking advantage of a titilating experience? And are they really raising money or just getting a rise in their shorts? For those of you who are not abreast of the situation, motorboarding is the act of pushing one’s face between two ample breasts, and rocking one’s head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating “brrr” sound. courtesy urban dictionary Members of Simple Pickup, M.O. is to pick up girls through outrageous challenges. Their acts have developed a following on Youtube of over 1 million subscribers. This challenge had them making boobs of themselves for a worthy cause. With each willing participant, they decided to donate $20 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Boobed head idea or not, these hooter hounds have raised over $2,000 dollars (For those not good at math, that is 100 sets of boobs or 200 individual boobs “brrrred” at. They are now offering an additional $100. for each 1,000 video views. There video is now at over 4 million views and...

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Good thing her Airbags saved her


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Leaving an Imprint

 All funny...

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All Fun until the Hangover Happens.

Saturday party = Hangover Sunday –...

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WARNING! 10 Signs this Girl is CRAZY

    Ok we all have seen or dated that crazy ass chick. Sometimes we don’t even know she is a CAC. Their Cybil-like personality lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce out, once they have you in their psychotic web. Remember Run Away Bride, “crazy eyes,” pictured to the left, who reportedly concocted she had been kip-napped and sparked a nationwide search, only to reveal she had made it all up. Well in her case, she actually did the dude a favor, leaving him at the altar and out of his life. That was best case scenario, worse case is more like Glen Close in Lethal Attraction. Sure, there are degrees of craziness. But really, there are degrees of murder too, and in the end it is still murder.   Now think  Natasha Henstridge in Species. OMG, with her insane hotness and sexy demeanor, how could you not get sucked in? Speaking of sucking, the sex is usually insane too. This is usually when they’ve got you right where they want you..As a Guy, the little head takes control of the big head. All rational is lost, in the sake of gettin some.  Guys don’t be fooled, RUN! The longer you wait, the more you risk losing. Slowly, your friends, your family, your home and your sanity could all vanish in a wink of an evil eye. Here is the PAW Top Ten List, That Girl is Crazy: If she has got any of these, please proceed with caution. You have been WARNED! 1. She a FF, fast forwarder. You go on one date, and she is making plans for the next and the rest of your life.2. She has a constant rain cloud over her head. Bad things are always happening. Constant drama.3. Jealous, OK almost every girl is jealous to an extent, guys too, but we are talking crazy jealous here. “Why did you talk to that waitress?” boyfriend replies,”um, I was ordering our food.”4. Smack Talker. Always talkin shit about people, how they are messed up.5. Social embarrassment. This can include bad drunk or controlling behavior. The day after is Damage control and apologies.6. Her only friends are guys. It’s easy to understand why no girl likes her, cause nobody is puttin up with the bitch, unless they’re gettin some.7. All about me.  Constant demands. Another sign of a very controlling, manipulative behavior.8. Very insecure: Everybody in your life is intimidating and thus an additional reason for her to be jealous. Never measure up.9. Hates her Father. Childhood issues are no doubt a big factor in how we develop. These girls are either pole dancin or...

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